About the program
Why this? Why now?
As a literacy instructor today, you need to feel comfortable and confident when working in a digital workspace environment. Whether it’s Google Workspace, Microsoft 365 or another suite, you need to be ready to equip your learners with the digital collaboration skills they will need in school, work and other contexts.
We know that effectively managing and creating collaborative learning environments requires thoughtful planning and organization AND that it is much easier to learn how to do this with the support of experienced facilitators and the collective wisdom of our colleagues.
Join AlphaPlus' FREE training sessions with ASL interpretation for Deaf and hard of hearing adult literacy instructors and tutors in Ontario. In a series of three zoom meetings, participants will have a chance to sharpen and apply their digital literacy, creation, and collaboration skills.
What you will learn
Participants who join the program will develop the skills and abilities to create digitally enhanced lessons and learning spaces that enable self-directed learning and enhance communication and collaboration between facilitators and learners and/or among groups of learners.
This is a progressive series, with each session building on the previous one.
Each workshop will aim to help:
Build your confidence
Organize and streamline your work
Explore strategies and ideas to help support your learners
Use various organizing, creating and collaboration tools
(including a bit of homework to help you practice too)
Join your peers in an interactive and stimulating experience!